For the new Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
by S. Nicholls, Training Administrator, and Expert with Lived Experience
It has been an exciting time rolling out the NEW Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism in the training office, and there has definitely been a buzz in the air!
I have been involved with the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training, as an expert by lived experience, and my lived experience is autism. I was late diagnosed earlier this year, but began to ponder this as a possibility, and seek ‘answers’ for myself in the last few years.
As part of my role in our training office, and as an expert with lived experience, involved in this particular training being delivered, I co-delivered a workshop with a colleague last week, to a group of people who had shown interest in also becoming a team of experts like us. My colleague and I worked with our Manager, Maria on what activities we thought would be good to allow people to get to know each other a little better, whilst also showcasing their skills and interests.
It was great to be a part of this, and take my admin hat off for a while, It was also really insightful to get a glimpse of what it is like for Maria, our Manager who also delivers training, and Julie, one of our trainers. I have enjoyed the opportunity to be involved, and it was great to see some of my autistic peers speak out for themselves, and others on the autism spectrum, whilst also having the opportunity to change the landscape of health and social care training - it really does feel as though the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is pioneering!
During the workshop we shared some experiences on how we as autistic people, and people with learning disabilities have found challenges within hospital, and other health settings, and the impact it has had on us, and our families. This has spurred us on to want to see change, and if you have already completed your e-learning, and/or attended a webinar for this training, you will see that this training is very unique.
Having a team of experts with lived experience to co-deliver this training, alongside a qualified trainer makes it more personable, and ensures an open window into the world of learning disability and neurodiversity - breaking through many misconceptions, assumptions and misinformation about learning disability, and autism that would not be achievable without the input from those with their lived experience.
There is so much yet to come from this training, as we prepare for Tier 2, and I am really thankful to Life Path Trust, and CTC for their support, and encouragement, and of course this wonderful opportunity.
I hope that if you are in the process of doing this training, that you continue to enjoy the stages of the training, and that it has a meaningful impact for you, and your job role too.